Takes on Tucson. Public service website featuring stories composed by students in my Foundations Writing classes between 2021-2023 at the University of Arizona and currently open to Tucson-based writers and videographers.
Conference Presentations (National & Regional)
“Crafting Authentic Simulations for Student Engagement: Strategies, Challenges, and Triumphs.” Association of Business Communication (Western Regional Conference), Tucson, Arizona. March 2024.
“The Finer Points of Grammar.” Arizona Supreme Court Judicial Conference. Tucson, Arizona. June 22, 2022
“Simulated Practicums: A Forward-Moving Initiative for College Writing Curriculums.” Co-Presenter: Sean Rys. Two Year College English Association (TYCA) Western Regional Conference. Mesa Community College, Arizona. February 11-12, 2022.
“Re-Embodying Reading and Writing in Students’ Literacy Journeys.” Arizona English Teachers Association (AETA) Annual Conference, Tempe, Arizona, September 2021
“My Middle-Road Attempt at High-Road Transfer: Developing an Irreversibly Transformative Assignment.” Two Year College English Association (TYCA) Western Regional Conference, Salt Lake City Community College, October 12-13, 2018.
“Practicing Empathetic Intercultural Communication in the Writing Class.” Arizona English Teachers Association (AETA) Annual Conference, Chandler, Arizona, September 2018.
“’Like Putting Together a Puzzle: Creating Game-Like Rhetorical Contexts for Student Writers.” ASU Composition Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ (February 24, 2018) and 2018 Spring Symposium: “Inquiries into Teaching,” Writing Program, University of Arizona, Tucson (January 8, 2018)
“When is a “Threat” a Threat?: Technical Policy Language and the Advocacy of Corporate Citizenship.” 19th Annual Conference of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW), Houston, Texas, April 6, 2016
“Engaging Diverse Learning Styles through STEM Poster Presentations.” NYS STEM Education Collaborative Institute. SUNY College of Technology, Alfred State. July 13-15, 2015.
“Multimodal Usability: Technical Writing Students Learn to Engage Users’ Learning Styles across Multiple Media.” SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT). SUNY Geneseo, New York, May 27-29, 2015.
“Resonant Rhetoric: An Account of the Nonhuman Dimensions of Metis.” National Communication Association (NCA) 99th Annual Conference. November 2013
“Metistic Maggie: The Craft of a Cunning Quilter.” The 36th Annual Conference of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language & Gender. Michigan Technological University, October 10-13, 2013.
“Space Erased: The Ideological Interface of Body/Armor.” Humanities Education and Research Association (HERA) Conference. Houston, Texas. March 20-24, 2013.
“Collaborative Efforts Across Academic Boundaries.” Writing Across the Peninsula (WAP) Third Annual Conference. Panel presentation on ways writing is addressed by instructors in composition and in mechanical engineering. Co-presenters James DeClerck and Nancy Barr. Lake Superior State University. Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. October 19, 2012.
“On the Rhetorical Radar: The Multimodal Genre of the STEM Presentation Poster.” Council for Programs in Scientific and Technical Communication (CPTSC) Annual Conference. Michigan Technological University. September 27-29, 2012.
“Writing Across the Curriculum: A Double-Edged Sword.” Council of Writing Programs Administrators (CWPA) Conference. Panel presentation on WAC/WID/CID initiatives at Michigan Technological University. Co-presenters Karla Saari Kitalong and Rebecca Frost. Albuquerque, New Mexico. July 20, 2012.
“All Jaws, No Voice: Sharks as Pre-Colonial Others in Speciest Narratives.” National Communication Association (NCA) 97th Annual Convention. New Orleans, November 17-20, 2011.
“Ethics, Stakeholder Theory, and Rhetorical Savvy in the Professional Writing Class.” Writing Across the Peninsula (WAP) Second Annual Conference. Northern Michigan University. October 28, 2011.
“From Transmission to Ritual: Bridging the ‘Frontier’ of Second Life.” National Communication Association (NCA) 96th Annual Convention (Top Papers in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.) San Francisco, November 13-16, 2010.
“Not So ‘Evil’ After All: PowerPoint as a Site for Multimodal Composition.” Writing Across the Peninsula (WAP) First Annual Conference. Michigan Technological University, September 23-4, 2010.
“Toward More Effective Assessment of Student Portfolios in a Multimodal Composition Course.” Council of Writing Programs Administrators (CWPA) Conference. Panel presentation on electronic portfolio assessment in a visual, written, and spoken communication course. Co-Presenters Karla Saari Kitalong and Rebecca Miner. Philadelphia, July 15-18, 2010.
“Seeing Through Light: Interfacing Luce Irigaray’s Optics of Being with Ritual Views of Communication.” Humanities Education and Research Association (HERA) Conference. El Paso, Texas. March 11-13, 2010
“Text, Textile, and Technê: Weaving Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’ into Rhetoric and Technical Communication Curricula.” 7th Biennial Feminisms & Rhetorics Conference of the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric. Michigan State University, Lansing, October, 2009
Poetry Cross Training Conference, Selected Delegate Performer. Sponsored by Poetry Slam International. Oneonta, New York, June-July 2006
“Making a ‘Real World’ of the College Classroom,” 2004 Faculty Development Conference, New Mexico Association of Community Colleges/Western States Consortium for Faculty Development, Las Cruces, New Mexico.
“Team Teaching Effectively,” (Japanese Exchange of Teachers Conference, Kobe, 1993); “Effective Use of the Textbook” (JET Conference, Tokyo, 1992); “Teaching Reading to Non-Native English Learners” (Kumamoto JET/AET Conference, 1991 (JET Program.)
Institutional Presentations (On-Campus/Invited)
“Perfect Your Professional Presentations: Design & Delivery of Slideshows, Research Posters, and You!” Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Honors Society. University of Arizona. November 2024. (Invited)
“Under the Hood of ‘Takes on Tucson’: A Community Profile Website Composed by FYW Students.” UArizona Writing Program Teaching Symposium (Spring, 2023)
“Writing Program By-laws Roundtable: Open Call for Suggestions.” UArizona Writing Program Teaching Symposium.” Writing Program, University of Arizona. (Co-Presenters Jason Knowles, Dev Bose, Samantha Kirby, Kristin Little.) January 2020.
“A- or B+?: Grade Inflation at the University of New Mexico.” Teaching Effectiveness Institute. UNM-Taos, 2004.
“Learning On-Line: Using Web Course in A Box as A Teaching and Learning Tool.” Center for Effective University Teaching, Northeastern University, 1999. (Invited)