Textbook Chapter

Site Administrator and Design Coordinator

  • Takes on Tucson. Public service website featuring stories composed by students in my Foundations Writing classes between 2021-2023 at the University of Arizona and currently open to Tucson-based writers and videographers.

Conference Presentations

  • “Crafting Authentic Simulations for Student Engagement: Strategies, Challenges, and Triumphs.” Association of Business Communication (Western Regional Conference), Tucson, Arizona. March 2024.
  • “The Finer Points of Grammar.” Arizona Supreme Court Judicial Conference. Tucson, Arizona. June 22, 2022
  • “Simulated Practicums: A Forward-Moving Initiative for College Writing Curriculums.” Co-Presenter: Sean Rys. Two Year College English Association (TYCA) Western Regional Conference. Mesa Community College, Arizona. February 11-12, 2022.
  • “Re-Embodying Reading and Writing in Students’ Literacy Journeys.” Arizona English Teachers Association (AETA) Annual Conference, Tempe, Arizona, September 2021
  • “My Middle-Road Attempt at High-Road Transfer: Developing an Irreversibly Transformative Assignment.” Two Year College English Association (TYCA) Western Regional Conference, Salt Lake City Community College, October 12-13, 2018.
  • “Practicing Empathetic Intercultural Communication in the Writing Class.” Arizona English Teachers Association (AETA) Annual Conference, Chandler, Arizona, September 2018.
  •  “’Like Putting Together a Puzzle: Creating Game-Like Rhetorical Contexts for Student Writers.” ASU Composition Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ (February 24, 2018) and 2018 Spring Symposium: “Inquiries into Teaching,” Writing Program, University of Arizona, Tucson (January 8, 2018)
  • “When is a “Threat” a Threat?: Technical Policy Language and the Advocacy of Corporate Citizenship.” 19th Annual Conference of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW), Houston, Texas, April 6, 2016
  • “Engaging Diverse Learning Styles through STEM Poster Presentations.” NYS STEM Education Collaborative Institute. SUNY College of Technology, Alfred State. July 13-15, 2015.
  • “Multimodal Usability: Technical Writing Students Learn to Engage Users’ Learning Styles across Multiple Media.” SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT). SUNY Geneseo, New York, May 27-29, 2015.
  • “Resonant Rhetoric: An Account of the Nonhuman Dimensions of Metis.” National Communication Association (NCA) 99th Annual Conference. November 2013
  • “Metistic Maggie: The Craft of a Cunning Quilter.” The 36th Annual Conference of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language & Gender. Michigan Technological University, October 10-13, 2013.
  • “Space Erased: The Ideological Interface of Body/Armor.” Humanities Education and Research Association (HERA) Conference. Houston, Texas. March 20-24, 2013.
  • “Collaborative Efforts Across Academic Boundaries.” Writing Across the Peninsula (WAP) Third Annual Conference. Panel presentation on ways writing is addressed by instructors in composition and in mechanical engineering. Co-presenters James DeClerck and Nancy Barr. Lake Superior State University. Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. October 19, 2012.
  • “On the Rhetorical Radar: The Multimodal Genre of the STEM Presentation Poster.” Council for Programs in Scientific and Technical Communication (CPTSC) Annual Conference. Michigan Technological University. September 27-29, 2012.
  • “Writing Across the Curriculum: A Double-Edged Sword.” Council of Writing Programs Administrators (CWPA) Conference. Panel presentation on WAC/WID/CID initiatives at Michigan Technological University. Co-presenters Karla Saari Kitalong and Rebecca Frost. Albuquerque, New Mexico. July 20, 2012.
  • “All Jaws, No Voice: Sharks as Pre-Colonial Others in Speciest Narratives.” National Communication Association (NCA) 97th Annual Convention. New Orleans, November 17-20, 2011.
  • “Ethics, Stakeholder Theory, and Rhetorical Savvy in the Professional Writing Class.”
    Writing Across the Peninsula (WAP) Second Annual Conference. Northern Michigan University. October 28, 2011.
  • “From Transmission to Ritual: Bridging the ‘Frontier’ of Second Life.” National Communication Association (NCA) 96th Annual Convention (Top Papers in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.) San Francisco, November 13-16, 2010.
  • “Not So ‘Evil’ After All: PowerPoint as a Site for Multimodal Composition.” Writing Across the Peninsula (WAP) First Annual Conference. Michigan Technological University, September 23-4, 2010.
  • “Toward More Effective Assessment of Student Portfolios in a Multimodal Composition Course.”  Council of Writing Programs Administrators (CWPA) Conference. Panel presentation on electronic portfolio assessment in a visual, written, and spoken communication course. Co-Presenters Karla Saari Kitalong and Rebecca Miner. Philadelphia, July 15-18, 2010.
  • “Seeing Through Light: Interfacing Luce Irigaray’s Optics of Being with Ritual Views of Communication.” Humanities Education and Research Association (HERA) Conference. El Paso, Texas. March 11-13, 2010
  • “Text, Textile, and Technê: Weaving Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’ into Rhetoric and Technical Communication Curricula.” 7th Biennial Feminisms & Rhetorics Conference of the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric. Michigan State University, Lansing, October, 2009
  • Poetry Cross Training Conference, Selected Delegate Performer. Sponsored by Poetry Slam International. Oneonta, New York, June-July 2006
  • “Making a ‘Real World’ of the College Classroom,” 2004 Faculty Development Conference, New Mexico Association of Community Colleges/Western States Consortium for Faculty Development, Las Cruces, New Mexico.
  • “Team Teaching Effectively,” (Japanese Exchange of Teachers Conference, Kobe, 1993); “Effective Use of the Textbook” (JET Conference, Tokyo, 1992); “Teaching Reading to Non-Native English Learners” (Kumamoto JET/AET Conference, 1991 (JET Program.)

In-House Presentations

  • “A- or B+?: Grade Inflation at the University of New Mexico.” Teaching Effectiveness Institute(UNM-Taos, 2004)
  • “Learning On-Line: Using Web Course in A Box as A Teaching and Learning Tool,” (Center for Effective University Teaching, Northeastern University, 1999)